Sean Raymond
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de
CNRS Researcher
Motohide Tamura
Head Office
Francois Forget
Centre National de la Rech.
Lab. de Météorologie Dynamique
Wesley Traub
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Exoplanet Exploration Program
Michael Mischna
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Earth and Planetary Atmospheres
Michael Foerster Radio,
Executive Vice President /
Program Director
Lisa Kaltenegger
Cornell University,
Raymond Pierrehumbert
University of Oxford,
Department of Physics
Britney Schmidt
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Earth & Atmospheric Science
Sabine Stanley
Johns Hopkins University,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Andrew Schuerger
University of Florida,
Space Life Sciences Lab
Elizabeth Turtle
Johns Hopkins,
Applied Physics Laboratory
Victoria Meadows
University of Washington,
Astronomy Department
Raphael Galicher 
University Denis Diderot,
LESIA Laboratory, Paris Observatory
Sean Carey