Simon-Gabriel Beauvais

Primary Advisor: René Doyon

Secondary Advisor: Christian Marois

Simon-Gabriel completed his undergraduate studies in physics in the coop program of Université de Sherbrooke in the Spring of 2017. During his studies, he completed three internships in the field of condensed matter and one in the field of medical physics. This allowed him to work on signal processing, the design and conception of high-precision cryogenic instrumentation, and different measurement techniques, all in order to probe the physical properties of matter.

In September 2017, he joined the iREx team under the supervision of René Doyon, and shortly after, became a TEPS fellow. His project consists in three distinct branches. The first one is the implementation of a tellurics removal algorithm based on principal components analysis for the instrument SPIRou and NIRPS. The second branch revolves around finding a correction to the tellurics removal equation that would diminish the impact of line spread function limited telluric spectrum on radial-velocity measurement. The final branch focuses on the design, implementation and characterization of an algorithm used to determine the radial-velocity of objects measured with a high precision spectrometer.

The ultimate goal is to allow accurate radial velocity measurements, in order to be able to discover low-mass planets in the so-called “habitable zone” around red dwarfs and to provide tools for the community to make measurements easier.