Hugh Podmore

Hugh Podmore completed his Bachelor of Science in Physics and minor in Computer Science from McGill University, finished his Masters on Subwavelength Antireflection for Space Applications and is currently doing his PhD on Microphotonic FTIR spectrometer for remote sensing of atmospheric methane at York University. In his PhD, his focus is on waveguide design and layout in C-type environment, designing lab setup for characterization of athermal FT on-chip spectrometer, and developing instrument pipeline in MATLAB. Till now, his research achieved reduction in thermo-optic coefficient by two orders of magnitude over standard waveguide systems. During his PhD, he demonstrated first ever on-chip compressive-sensing FT spectrometer, designed and laid out compressive-sensing on-chip spectrometer for visible Raman spectroscopy; and developed novel processing algorithms in MATLAB for compressive-sensing reconstruction of non-sparse Raman spectra using laboratory datasets, and interferometry data from the Herschel space telescope.