Eric Shear



Primary Advisor: John Moores

Secondary Advisor: Britney Schmidt

Mr. Eric Shear is a graduate from the Earth and Space Science program in Dr. John E. Moores’ group. He completed his specialized Honours BS.c in Physics and Astronomy from York University and holds a Mechanical Engineering associate degree from Tacoma Community College.

While an undergraduate student at York University  Eric led a peer-reviewed paper that was recently published in the York-based International Journal of Space Science and Engineering (2016) under Dr. Moores’ guidance. The paper describes a small balloon-based spacecraft, which could examine the isotopic composition of the martian polar caps during the summer, examining long-term climate change on the planet. Eric Shear brings these skills in space mission design with him to his graduate work.

Relevance to TEPS

This project will develop technologies that will allow for the exploration of the
‘Local Laboratory.’